
  • People Moves, 15 September: Climate Asset Management, State Street, MSCI... and more

    15 September 2023
  • NN IP: 750 listed companies contribute to SDGs and financial returns

    13 September 2021

    Dutch asset manager NN Investment Partners (NN IP) said it has identified 750 publicly listed companies globally...

  • NNIP to use natural language processing to identify impact opportunities

    18 June 2021

    NN Investment Partners (NN IP) is developing its computer programming capabilities in the hope that it can help the asset manager identify impact investment opportunities.

  • NNIP launches €405m impact equity funds

    11 February 2020

    NN Investment Partners has launched three thematic impact equity funds designed to contribute to 14 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Asset manager devises Sustainable Development Goals tagging system

    22 March 2017

    An asset manager has developed a system to tag equities according to whether they help meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).