
  • Rise of climate solutions is blurring lines between industries, AI analysis suggests

    06 February 2024

    Companies are investing more in 'climate solutions' such as battery storage and energy efficiency, in a trend that is increasingly "blurring the lines" between industries and bringing into question whether financial analysts can rely on historical assumptions, according to analysis of disclosures.

  • Impact: Six areas to watch in 2021

    07 January 2021

    A legal framework for impact, harmonisation of reporting frameworks and the rise of impact indexes could shape 2021, writes Michael Hurley

  • MSCI rebuffs 'big three criticisms' of ESG data

    13 May 2019

    MSCI has argued that the main three criticisms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) data don't hold true.

  • People Moves: Carbon Tracker, State Street Corporation, ANZ Bank New Zealand and MFS Investment Management

    22 March 2019

    Anthony Hobley, chief executive officer of not-for-profit financial think-tank the Carbon Tracker Initiative, will step down and join the organisation's advisory board as co-chair from April.

  • People moves: Lightsource BP, Global Water Partnership and Committee on Climate Change

    09 March 2018

    Michael Bloomberg has been selected as the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Climate Action.

  • Inconsistency of ESG data can help boost investment returns, says Calvert

    14 June 2016

    The inefficiency of the market in environmental, social and governance (ESG) data creates opportunities for investors who understand these issues to boost returns without adding extra risk, according to research from Calvert Investment Management.