
  • Hard-to-abate 'transition' bonds can be 'green' if obsolescence risk managed

    19 April 2024

    Bond issuances tackling hard-to-abate sectors can have their transition-focused bonds judged as green bonds if they manage "obsolescence risk," a sustainable bond investor told an Environmental Finance event.

  • Sovereign green bonds should 'move on from railways' for impact

    18 April 2024

    Sovereign issuers have been urged by an investor to look beyond clean transport - in particular, railways - for their green bond allocations in order to improve impact, an Environmental Finance event heard.

  • Mirova: EU Green Bond Standard weak on impact reporting rules

    12 July 2023

    Felipe Gordillo says the EU should have gone further on impact reporting requirements in its landmark green bond regulation. Ahren Lester reports

  • Rise of sustainable repos shows 'entry point' into emerging markets, says BNP

    30 June 2022

    Sustainable repurchase agreements could provide an accessible entry point for investments in emerging markets, BNP Paribas has said.

  • French bank launches green bond fund

    29 September 2017

    A French bank has launched a green bond fund, which it hopes will allow asset owners to demonstrate that they are decarbonising their fixed income portfolios, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • COP Blog: Sovereign green bonds: the missing link between NDCs and the $100trn debt capital markets

    11 November 2016

    BNP Paribas IP
    After the ratification of the Paris Agreement, we expect COP22 in Marrakesh to focus on the transparency of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), compliance and means of implementation.

  • Green bond market needs more flexible reporting, says BNP analyst

    01 June 2016

    Reporting on green bonds is often weighted too heavily to their environmental impact and should be more flexible, according to Felipe Gordillo, senior socially responsible investment analyst at BNP Paribas Investment Partners.

  • BNP Paribas IP to extend sustainable real estate methodology to include biodiversity

    23 March 2016

    BNP Paribas is to become the first asset manager to incorporate biodiversity considerations into its sustainable real estate fund.

  • Quotes of the Quarter

    04 January 2016

    A round-up of the quotes of Q4 2015 that made headlines, including commments from Narendra Modi, Michael Bloomberg and Frederic Samama

  • More than bricks and mortar

    30 December 2015

    Green real estate is proving a winner when it comes to investment returns. Sophie Robinson-Tillett looks at opportunities and trends in the sector