
  • Green Bond Standard 'may lead to fewer issuances'

    18 November 2020

    The introduction of the EU's Green Bond Standard may have the unintended effect of actually reducing the rate of corporate issuances, a panel discussion at Environmental Finance's ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 conference heard.

  • Basic definition essential for transition bond issuance, says ISS ESG

    25 September 2020

    The market does not have to 'reinvent the wheel' on the structure of transition bonds to support future issuers, ISS ESG tells Ahren Lester, but a clear definition of what activities demonstrate 'transition' is essential for this potentially large market to grow

  • ISS ESG launches transition bond second party opinion service

    05 August 2020

    ISS ESG has updated its second party opinion (SPO) methodology to support issuers of transition bonds ahead of guidance being published later in 2020.