
  • News round-up: Sustainable funds, UK Climate Change Committee

    16 June 2021
  • UK CCC calls for resilience bonds

    16 June 2021
  • Green Investment Group makes £38m waste-to-energy investment

    08 September 2017

    The Green Investment Group has committed to invest £38 million ($50 million) in the construction of a 70MW waste-to-energy facility in the UK, alongside a syndicate of lenders.

  • UK renewables reach important – but modest – milestone

    07 July 2014

    As the UK's share of electricity generated from renewable sources approaches 20%, Seb Beloe hails the achievement, but says there is much further to go.

  • Biomass generators told: prove sustainability or lose subsidies

    22 August 2013

    UK biomass-fired power generators will be forced to prove their fuel is sourced according to sustainability standards or lose their subsidies, under rules announced today.