
  • De Cambourg backed for EFRAG sustainability reporting role

    14 July 2022

    Patrick de Cambourg has received the support of the European Parliament's committee on legal affairs to become chair of EFRAG's Sustainability Reporting Board.

  • EU's nuclear, gas taxonomy inclusion prompts fierce response

    04 January 2022

    A text by the European Commission that proposes inclusion of some nuclear and natural gas energy generation activities in the EU's sustainability taxonomy has sparked a fierce response from some observers, who argue the proposals would undermine the credibility of the framework.

  • EU TEG taxonomy experts lament nuclear 'politicisation'

    21 December 2021

    Members of an EU-mandated expert group have written to the European Commission to express their concern at the potential inclusion of nuclear in the bloc's sustainability taxonomy, in a decision they say has been politicised instead of following science.

  • EU agreement will make Taxonomy 'much more extensive in scope'

    06 December 2019

    A provisional agreement by the EU on the structural outline of its Taxonomy of sustainable activities has significantly broadened its scope and answered critics who suggested it would be too 'niche', according to a member of the team tasked with helping devise it.

  • Consultation on TEG's draft Taxonomy receives 6,900 responses

    06 December 2019
  • How we built the sustainable finance taxonomy

    18 June 2019

    Dawn Slevin explains the thinking and the process behind the EU-appointed Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance

  • Spike in fire risk claims was partly due to global warming, says AIG

    04 December 2018

    AIG partly attributed a doubling in the proportion of European claims it received stemming from fire damage to the effects of climate change.

  • Members of EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance announced

    13 June 2018

    The European Commission has announced the members of its Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.