
  • People Moves: BAML, CCC, Clean Energy Regulator

    31 March 2017

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch has appointed Suzanne Buchta global head of green bonds, following the retirement of the head of the product solutions team Martin Mills, Environmental Finance understands.

  • Australia's carbon auction sees prices fall

    24 November 2016

    Australia's carbon fund has seen prices fall at its fourth reverse auction, as 98% of bids came in below the benchmark price.

  • Australia's carbon fund mulls direct purchases of credits from industrial projects

    16 August 2016

    Australia's Emissions Reduction Fund is considering buying carbon credits directly from industrial projects in a bid to diversify the projects it supports.

  • EF BRIEFS: Gamesa, Solarcentury, Kohli, United Photovoltaics Group

    29 January 2016

    Spanish wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa's share price soared 20% today amid reports that German conglomerate Siemens is mulling a takeover bid.