
  • The UK renewables industry needs support, not knee-jerk cuts

    03 November 2015

    The UK's renewables sector has been hit by a series of hostile policy changes. But the industry needs stability and support to encourage investment, argues Charles Yates

  • Lessons from the UK's first CfD auction

    09 April 2015

    The UK's inaugural Contracts for Difference auction was seen as a success in driving down prices for the government. In what way will future auctions be different, and who are likely to be the big winners, ask Charles Yates and Mark Hughes

  • Modi's $300bn renewables ambition for India

    27 February 2015

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to spur a boom in renewables. Charles Yates looks at the opportunity – and some of the challenges – that lie ahead

  • Solar fried in CfD auction

    26 February 2015

    Solar energy construction in the UK is set to be decimated after the technology failed to compete with wind power in a £325 million ($503 million) auction under the government's new subsidy system.

  • £95m increase in UK CfD pot fails to stave off criticism

    02 October 2014

    The UK government was accused of making "serious strategic mistakes" in the way it had overhauled its renewables subsidy regime today – despite announcing a £95 million increase in the support available.

  • UK CfD changes to 'boost renewables subsidy allocation'

    02 September 2014

    The UK renewables sector received a slight boost after the government altered the details of how it will calculate its Contracts for Difference subsidy regime, in a move that is expected to allow it to support more projects.

  • Yates steps down from Grant Thornton

    28 July 2014

    Charles Yates has stepped down from his role at Grant Thornton UK to start an independent consultancy, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Small size of UK renewables subsidy budget 'to trigger auctions'

    24 July 2014

    The renewables industry was shocked by the smaller-than-expected size of the UK government's subsidy pot for established technologies, amid warnings that it will trigger a competitive auction process.

  • UK subsidy changes 'to make life more challenging for solar funds'

    27 May 2014

    Proposed changes in the UK's subsidy regime will make life more challenging for recently listed solar funds, a leading consultant at Grant Thornton has warned.

  • The challenges of financing offshore wind

    11 February 2014

    With utilities struggling to finance offshore wind farms, institutional investors are being asked to step in. What financing challenges are facing the sector and what are the developments helping facilitate cheaper capital, asks Charles Yates