
  • Nordic green bond issuers criticise EU taxonomy

    16 December 2020

    Nordic local government funding agencies MuniFin, Kommunalbanken and Kommuninvest have jointly published feedback on the EU's proposed sustainable finance taxonomy, warning that it risks undermining the uptake of the EU's planned green bond standard.

  • Nordic green bond issuers include EU standard in new reporting guidance

    19 February 2020

    A group of Nordic issuers has set out recommendations on how to report green bond impact in line with the proposed EU Green Bond Standard (GBS).

  • Annual costs for impact reporting 'typically in €10k-€25k range'

    04 July 2019

    A survey of green bond issuers and investors sheds light on how they approach impact reporting, says Björn Bergstrand

  • People Moves - Kommuninvest, PRI, GIB, Bluesource, South Pole, Impax

    18 November 2016

    Swedish public sector lender Kommuninvest has appointed senior investor relations manager Bjorn Bergstrand as its head of sustainability.

  • Kommuninvest issues largest ever SEK green bond

    19 October 2016

    Swedish public sector lender Kommuninvest has priced the largest ever Swedish krona green bond, raising some SEK5 billion ($570 million).

  • Show me the green money!

    22 August 2016

    Issuers of green bonds are increasingly seeking 'green investors'. But how to define a green investor, and why target them, asks Hamza Ali

  • Kommuninvest set to issue benchmark green bond

    25 January 2016

    Swedish public sector lender Kommuninvest is gearing up to launch its inaugural green bond, a benchmark issue to help finance and refinance its green loan book.