
  • Video: Enel’s Alessandro Canta on what's next for SLBs

  • Schroders: Companies who miss SLB targets may not be investable

    17 April 2023

    Sustainable investors might shun companies that miss targets in their sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs), an executive at Schroders has warned.

  • Why Enel turned to sustainability-linked bonds

    14 June 2022

    After kick-starting the sustainability-linked bond market in 2019, the Italian firm continues to drive interest in the fast-growing market. Ahren Lester reports

  • Video: Enel's Alessandro Canta on SLB's KPIs

    30 May 2022

    The KPIs or metrics should be the ones that are representative of the company's strategy", according to Alessandro Canta, Head of Finance and Insurance at Italy's energy giant Enel.