
  • The beginning of the end for coal investment and underwriting

    30 April 2018

    Insurers have made efforts to disengage themselves from the coal industry on both sides of the balance sheet, but climate activists say they could do more. Cintia Cheong and Nick Roumpis examine the latest developments

  • On the search for sovereigns

    05 January 2018

    The next growth spurt for the green bond market could come from sovereigns, reports Michael Hurley

  • $26trn of investors sign up to climate engagement initiative

    12 December 2017

    More than 200 global institutional investors with over $26.3 trillion in assets have joined forces in a collaborative engagement initiative to drive swifter corporate action on climate change.

  • UK's Brunel Pension Partnership joins IIGCC

    01 December 2017

    The Brunel Pension Partnership has become the first of the UK's eight pooled local government pension schemes to join the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

  • IIGCC urges EU to vote for "appropriate" clean energy framework

    27 November 2017

    Investors managing assets worth more than €21 trillion ($25 trillion) have called on European leaders to introduce "an appropriate policy framework" on the continent's long-term decarbonisation plan.

  • COP 23: What success means for investors

    06 October 2017

    This year's UN climate change conference in Bonn (COP23), while a far cry from the highs of the Paris talks of 2015, is crucial for the implementation of the new agreement. Katie Kouchakji talks to some finance sector leaders about their criteria for its success

  • Investors plan GHG engagement campaign with large emitters

    27 September 2017

    A call to arms went out to investors today to join a new initiative that aims to engage with the 100 biggest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting companies globally.

  • Wanted: UK green bond issuers

    24 July 2017

    As the green bond market continues to break records and investors call for more supply, Hamza Ali asks why there hasn't been more issuance out of the UK

  • Experts call for reform of financial regulation to promote sustainability

    14 July 2017

    Regulations governing banks, insurers and asset managers should be reformed "to facilitate green and sustainable investment", according to a group of experts appointed by the European Commission.

  • Final TCFD report supported by investors with $25trn

    29 June 2017

    The Financial Stability Board's (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has released its final report, with the public support of investors with roughly $25 trillion in assets under management. Other businesses with a combined market capitalisation of approximately $3.5 trillion have also supported the recommendations.