
  • Massachusetts could gain $5.5bn from proposed carbon market for transport sector

    07 January 2019

    A proposed ‘cap-and-invest’ initiative to reduce transport emissions in Massachusetts could generate more than $5.5 billion for investments in the state’s transport infrastructure by 2030, a research group has claimed.

  • Set climate targets, power sector told by investors with $11trn in assets

    20 December 2018

    Twelve of Europe’s highest-emitting power companies have been instructed to set out Paris-aligned transition plans by a group of investors with $11.5 trillion in assets under management (AUM), as they warn of the ‘potentially catastrophic’ effects of climate change.

  • COP24 sees historic agreement on Paris rulebook, but work remains

    17 December 2018

    A historic agreement on the rules that will govern the Paris Agreement has been sealed at the Katowice climate change conference (COP 24), but countries failed to agree changes to strengthen emissions trading schemes.

  • Investors welcome EU's plans to be carbon neutral by 2050

    30 November 2018

    Investors have welcomed the EU Commission's plans to be carbon neutral by 2050.

  • IIGCC publishes climate scenario analysis guide

    22 November 2018

    Investors who use scenario analysis will be better equipped to respond to early warning signs, such as a rising carbon price, and take more informed investment decisions as the low-carbon transition evolves.

  • Paris rail project plans €31.5bn green bond programme

    22 October 2018

    The French state-owned company developing a rail project in Paris has laid out plans for a mammoth green bond issuance programme worth as much as €31.5 billion ($36 billion).

  • IIGCC urges pension funds to improve climate risk management

    17 October 2018

    Pension funds have been urged to improve their management of climate-related risks and opportunities by a group of investors with more than €21 trillion ($24.3 trillion) in combined assets.

  • ‘Misunderstood’ EU sustainability taxonomy is not straitjacket, says EIB

    01 October 2018

    The European Commission’s proposed taxonomy on sustainability activities should not be misconstrued as an effort to impose a straitjacket on the market, according to a director at the European Investment Bank (EIB).

  • Green mortgage pilot scheme receives backing of major banks

    15 June 2018

    A pilot green mortgage scheme, backed by major European banks, aims to boost the growth of energy efficient buildings in Europe by establishing a standardised European framework and data gathering process.

  • Investors press politicians to facilitate more low-carbon investment

    04 June 2018

    Leading institutional investors have called on national governments to act more urgently to spur private sector capital into low-carbon investments.