
  • Expansion on the cards for EU ETS

    01 December 2006

    Areview of the future of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is to consider expanding the scheme to include additional sectors and greenhouse gases. It is also considering replacing the current system of country-by-country caps on emissions with a single, Europe-wide cap.

  • France proposes carbon import tax

    01 December 2006

    The EU should impose an additional tax on goods imported from countries that fail to join a post-2012 climate agreement, according to French prime minister Dominique de Villepin.

  • Best in show

    01 December 2006

    Companies pre-eminent in disclosing climate-sensitive information are rewarded with a place in the Climate Leadership Index. Christopher Cundy speaks to the leaders and asks what the accolade brings to their businesses

  • The drama unfolds

    01 December 2006

    It's been a dramatic few weeks or so, in the debate around climate change in general, and emissions trading in particular. The period began, on 30 October, with the much-anticipated release of the Stern Review. This 575-page report, commissioned by the UK Treasury and written by a former World Bank chief economist, has transformed the debate about the economics of climate change.

  • Progress, just about

    01 December 2006

    As the warnings from the climate scientists become more high-pitched, the talks on extending the international climate regime continue at a low drone. So what comes next? Mark Nicholls reports from Nairobi

  • Leading the way

    01 December 2006

    Few details have yet emerged as to how California's regulators are to implement the state's ground-breaking climate change legislation. Jason Patrick considers some of the issues they – and market participants – face

  • A statement of intent

    01 December 2006

    Investors are increasingly aware of the impact of climate change on returns. But how should they respond to the ­challenge? A new investor initiative aims to show the way, say Stephanie Pfeifer, Rory Sullivan and Mark Kenber

  • Tracking down the data

    01 December 2006

    Companies are working overtime to get a better understanding of their environmental impacts. Vijay Gudivaka looks at the growing market for more effective environmental data management

  • Taming the tigers

    01 December 2006

    Asia's explosive economic growth has come at enormous environmental cost. But investors – with a little help from Melissa Brown and ASrIA – could help shift the region's ­development trajectory. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Banking on the positive

    01 December 2006

    Mark Nicholls reports on how the UK arm of Triodos Bank is making a push into investment banking – and taking a typically unconventional approach