
  • Carbon credits prove elusive for biofuels

    01 March 2007

    There is still no system to allow developers of biofuel projects to trade in carbon emission reductions, says Caitlin Randall

  • Bubble or no bubble?

    01 March 2007

    Comparing the Nasdaq with an index of clean energy stocks might reassure investors fearing a renewable energy bubble. But irrational exuberance might still undo the unwary, says Michael Liebreich

  • The public face of private equity

    01 March 2007

    For a section of the financial world that prefers – by definition – to operate as far away from the public gaze as possible, the private equity business has recently been attracting some unwelcome attention.

  • All-out auctions?

    01 March 2007

    New York's bold proposal to auction all allowances under its proposed carbon trading programme raises crucial questions, says Roman Kramarchuk

  • Liability and litigation

    01 March 2007

    The stage is set for a soaring environmental insurance market in Europe, but uncertainties remain on the implications of key EU legislation, reports Christopher Cundy

  • Putting a premium on emissions

    01 March 2007

    The carbon markets are immature, risky and uncertain – and there is a desperate need for insurance solutions. Julian Richardson looks at how insurers are beginning to step up to the challenge

  • Where the climate change buck stops

    01 March 2007

    If, as is often said, insurance companies are on the front line of climate change, investors might want to know which are most likely to dodge the first bullets. Gregory Larkin identifies the potential survivors

  • Combating climate change

    01 March 2007

    While the scientific debate about ­climate science may be almost over, the economic arguments have just begun. But tackling the issue need not cost the earth, says Lars Josefsson

  • Communicating the message

    01 March 2007

    Catherine Boiteux Pelletier has overseen a wholesale examination of sustainable development issues at insurance giant Axa. She's now taking a sector-wide view with UNEP FI. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Why isn't SRI going south?

    01 March 2007

    Investors are placing increasing amounts of capital in emerging markets. But environmental, social and governance considerations inform very little of this investment, and valuable commercial as well as development opportunities are being missed, says Dan Siddy