
  • How NN IP uses technology to gauge social issues

    05 October 2022

    The complexity of analysing 'social' issues makes the argument for techniques such as natural language processing compelling, Sebastiaan Reinders tells Michael Hurley

  • People Moves 30 September: M&G, Canopius, Earth Capital ... and more

    30 September 2022
  • EdenTree launches green infrastructure fund

    28 September 2022
  • Climate transition 'bigger risk' for insurers' portfolios than threat from physical risk

    28 September 2022

    Transition rather than physical risks are the largest risks for insurance investment portfolios - and dealing with these requires greater attention from CIOs to providing climate transition projections and targets, according to experts.

  • Nordea: An 'SLL bond' market could emerge 'very quickly'

    21 September 2022

    The Nordic bank believes its ground-breaking 'sustainability-linked loan bond' is poised to kick-start further issuance quickly, Jacob Michaelsen tells Ahren Lester

  • NGOs resign from 'politicised' EU Platform on sustainable finance

    15 September 2022

    Several members of the EU's Platform on sustainable finance have filed a notice of their resignation following the furore around the inclusion of nuclear in the taxonomy of sustainable activities.

  • All commodities will be judged on environmental impact, says Xpansiv

    13 September 2022

    Every commodity will be valued by its environmental footprint, argues Xpansiv, which is expanding its data offerings in anticipation that demand will grow for environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact data.

  • Palladium: 'Worrisome' subsidy challenge to natural capital

    12 September 2022

    UK agricultural subsidies present a challenge for financing natural capital projects in the UK, an executive at management consultancy Palladium Group has said.

  • People moves 9 September: IFRS, EFRAG, ING, Bank of America, Barclays ... and more

    09 September 2022
  • People Moves 2 September, including IFC, ISSB, HSBC & more...

    02 September 2022