
  • Warm words, but a warming world

    01 October 2007

    The US administration is finally catching up with the rest of the world when it comes to tackling global warming. The major emitters group meeting – convened by George Bush in Washington at the end of last month – saw US Secretary of State Condaleezza Rice make a clear and long-overdue pledge to show leadership on the issue. "It is our responsibility as global leaders to forge a new international consensus on how to solve climate change," she said, addressing representatives of the 16 countries, plus the EU and the UN, in the "major economies meeting on energy security and climate change", which brings together fast-growing large developing countries such as China, India and Brazil with the industrialised world.

  • Between a REC?and a hard place

    01 October 2007

    Markets for carbon reductions and renewable energy certificates already co-exist in the US. But, with mandatory, national schemes planned, how they interact is becoming a pressing issue, say Jasmine Haneef and Ben Pinchin

  • Climate meetings set stage for Bali

    01 October 2007

    High-level meetings held by the United Nations and the White House have helped build political will for a new global agreement to tackle climate change, according to observers. But, despite warm words from US President George Bush, the US remains opposed to mandatory limits on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

  • Nuclear revival – threat or opportunity?

    01 October 2007

    As governments mull over how to encourage low-­carbon generating capacity, renewable energy investors are looking anxiously for signs of support for nuclear power. But, say Sean Gammons and Richard Hern, it is far from clear how such support might weigh on their investments

  • A new prosperity

    01 October 2007

    Business and finance must look beyond simple measures of profitability if they are to meet the world's social, ­environmental and ethical challenges, says John Gummer

  • The Rio grandee

    01 October 2007

    In 10 years EcoSecurities has grown from a two-man band in the Malaysian rainforest to one of the world's largest carbon traders. Mark Nicholls talks to co-founder Pedro Moura Costa

  • The carbon quandary

    01 October 2007

    Investors and company executives alike see merit in increasing transparency on corporate greenhouse gas emissions. But, in the absence of regulation or standards, disclosure can raise as many questions as it answers. Elisabeth Jeffries reports

  • Can solar deliver?

    01 October 2007

    Investors are heavily backing solar photovoltaics as the clean energy technology of choice. But, argues Roger Franklin, they are backing the wrong horse

  • HKEx examining emissions

    01 September 2007

    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx) is investigating the possibility of listing emissions-related products.

  • Showdown looms in US Congress over renewables, cars

    01 September 2007

    The US Congress faces a showdown in the autumn over renewables and automobile efficiency as leaders from the Senate and House of Representatives try to reconcile energy legislation