
  • People moves this month

    01 December 2007

    ALEX VAN DER VELDEN, the executive director of FairPensions, is leaving the UK-based charity to take up a new post at Dutch pensions giant PGGM. He will be joining PGGM – which provides pensions for healthcare workers, and has €88 billion under management – as head of its responsible investment portfolio.

  • Businesses demand climate action

    01 December 2007

    Tackling climate change is essential for economic growth, according to the leaders of 150 global companies. "As business leaders, it is our belief that the benefits of strong early action on climate change outweigh the costs of not acting," they say.

  • UNDP calls for low-carbon fund

    01 December 2007

    The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has called for the creation of a fund to manage the expected $25 billion–50 ­billion annual investment in low-carbon energy projects to mitigate climate change in developing countries.

  • US still top for bio­fuel investors – E&Y

    01 December 2007

    The US remains the most attractive country for biofuel investments despite a slow-down caused by factors such as high feedstock prices, over-capacity and distribution difficulties, according to the consultancy Ernst & Young.

  • EIB mulling ecosystem, biodiversity fund

    01 December 2007

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is assessing market interest in an ecosystem and biodiversity fund, with hopes of helping to raise money into such a vehicle in 2008.

  • Laying the foundations for growth

    01 December 2007

    Investors may be increasingly backing renewable energy and energy efficiency in Asia – but more could be done to ensure their growth, says Mike Allen

  • Putting steel into the ground

    01 December 2007

    By the time this issue of Environmental Finance lands on our readers' desks, the UN climate talks in Bali will have concluded. It's impossible to predict what – if anything – substantive will emerge from the Indonesian island, after two weeks of negotiations, horse-trading, furious lobbying and, indeed, fairly furious reporting.

  • Adding a dose of complexity

    01 December 2007

    Emissions trading systems are based on traditional economic theory – but the new discipline of 'complexity economics' raises profound questions over their role in tackling climate change, says Nick Silver

  • Learning the lessons from the US credit crunch

    01 December 2007

    John Palmisano considers what lessons investors in green assets can learn from the collapse of the US housing market

  • Breaking the green tax logjam

    01 December 2007

    New taxes may be political anathema, but a shift towards environmental taxation must be embraced if we're to ­tackle climate change, argues Paul Ekins