
  • VeraSun buys US BioEnergy as biofuels shake-out advances

    01 December 2007

    In the latest takeover move in the US bioenergy sector, VeraSun Energy is to buy rival ethanol producer US BioEnergy, to form what could be the largest ethanol producer in the US by the end of 2008.

  • Australia ratifies Kyoto, sets new targets

    01 December 2007

    Australia's incoming Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has signed the nation's Kyoto Protocol ratification papers, following his decisive 24 November election victory. The new Labor government has also pledged to implement emissions trading by 2010, cut greenhouse gas emissions to 60% below 2000 levels by 2050 and source 20% of the nation's electricity from renewables by 2020.

  • Iberdrola poised to hit jackpot with renewables IPO

    01 December 2007

    Iberdrola is set to float its renewables business at the top of its projected price range – to a mixed reaction from investors.

  • Carbon credit write-downs hit project developers

    01 December 2007

    Downward revisions to the carbon credit portfolios of London-listed developers Camco and EcoSecurities have driven down their share prices in November. Meanwhile, shares in another developer, AgCert, hit a new low as it faces serious delivery problems for next year.

  • New Forests plans Malaysian 'biodiversity bank'

    01 December 2007

    Buyers and sellers of palm oil are to be offered 'biodiversity offset' credits, in an innovative conservation finance scheme to preserve a crucial area of Malaysian rainforest.

  • Generation raising private equity fund

    01 December 2007

    Generation Investment Management, the sustainability-orientated asset management company run by Al Gore and former Goldman Sachs executive David Blood, is raising money into a private equity fund. The fund – which will focus on companies offering solutions to the challenge of climate change – is expected to be unveiled early in 2008, and follows the announcement of an alliance between Generation and leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB).

  • ATA slams EU move on aviation emissions

    01 December 2007

    A decision by the European Parliament for tougher targets and a stricter timetable to include aviation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has drawn an angry response from the sector – while a recent report shows it is substantially unprepared for emissions caps.

  • Business backs offset standard

    01 December 2007

    Business groups have launched the second version of a standard designed to boost the credibility of the voluntary carbon market – but a leading environmental group has slammed it as full of loopholes.

  • Costs add latest hurdle for US offshore wind

    01 December 2007

    While beachfront residents in the US continue to fight planned offshore wind farms, cost has emerged as another barrier to getting the country's first offshore project operating.

  • REC tops Sarasin solar ranking

    01 December 2007

    Bank Sarasin has produced a global ranking of the top solar photovoltaics (PV) firms, placing the Norwegian company REC at the top of the class.