
  • Biodiversity finance stalling on lack of understanding, transparency

    15 April 2011

    Biodiversity markets are in dire need of an influx of fresh capital, but a lack of transparency and understanding is deterring private investment, experts said.

  • UK pension funds at particular risk of fossil fuel reassessment – analyst

    14 April 2011

    The overweighting of the UK stock market towards fossil fuel companies means that UK pension funds are at particular risk of any sudden reassessment of the viability of high-carbon energy sources, according to a leading analyst.

  • US loan guarantees for solar rescued from cull

    14 April 2011

    US solar energy advocates praised Congressional supporters of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) loan guarantee programme for thwarting an attempt to withdraw the programme's remaining stimulus funds.

  • REDD report renews McKinsey cost curve criticism

    14 April 2011

    A Greenpeace report which slams consultancy firm McKinsey & Company for its work advising rainforest countries such as Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Congo and Guyana, has prompted renewed scrutiny of a key methodology used to assess carbon abatement.

  • German renewables sector unfazed by nuclear fund stoppage

    14 April 2011

    A decision by four of Germany's nuclear utilities to stop payments into a renewables fund has not caused concern for the country's renewable power industries, according to the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE).

  • Leading carbon exchange bids to revive market hobbled by theft

    14 April 2011

    Leading spot carbon exchange BlueNext is to bar any carbon allowances and credits whose ownership cannot be traced back to their issuance, to create a 'safe zone' free of stolen carbon credits in a move backed by leading banks and utilities.

  • Cutting Europe's €320m nitrogen pollution bill will benefit climate

    14 April 2011

    A greater focus on the effects of nitrogen emissions could spur technologies that combat climate change, according to the author of report which estimates nitrogen pollution costs Europe as much as €320 million ($463 million) annually.

  • BrightSource secures DOE loans, bags $168m from Google

    14 April 2011

    US-based BrightSource Energy has finalised $1.6 billion in US government loan guarantees and secured a $168 million funding injection from Google.

  • EU states 'over-confident' on bioenergy assumptions, say paper companies

    13 April 2011

    Assumptions about the amount of energy that EU member states could obtain from forest biomass are overly optimistic, says the Confederation of Paper Industries (CEPI).

  • On offshore wind, US developers look to Europe

    13 April 2011

    US offshore wind developers and potential investors can learn a lot about financing these projects from their European counterparts, wind experts said.