
  • The Shaw line

    01 September 2008

    As founder of EEA Fund Management, Simon Shaw has led some of the most successful investments in environmental and carbon markets. He tells Christopher Cundy how he did it

  • Meeting the measurement challenge

    01 September 2008

    For too long, asset owners have had few means of assessing the real environmental, social and governance skills of their asset managers. Jonathan Horton explains how a new benchmark can help both sides measure and manage ESG issues

  • The environment on the stump

    01 September 2008

    Eight years of federal foot-dragging on climate change are set to be reversed come January – whichever candidate wins the keys to the White House. But, as Gloria Gonzalez reports, the apparent similarities of the two presidential candidates' energy and climate policies mask profound differences

  • The path to optimisation

    01 September 2008

    Andreas Wiese explains how to analyse the risk and ensure the financial optimisation of portfolios of renewable energy projects

  • People moves this month

    01 September 2008

    JON WILLIAMS, head of group sustainable development at HSBC, is to leave the banking giant to take up a new role as partner, sustainability and climate change, at Pricewaterhouse­Coopers in London.

  • US?renewables industry looks to new energy bill

    01 September 2008

    The latest effort to renew the production tax credit (PTC) for the renewable energy industry stalled in the US Senate on 30 July, when supporters fell short of the 60 votes needed to stop debate. However, an extension to the PTC is to be incorporated into a compromise energy bill likely to be introduced in September.

  • US cities sign up to carbon disclosure

    01 September 2008

    Dozens of US cities will measure and disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a new carbon disclosure initiative designed to replicate the benefits similar projects have created in the corporate sector.

  • EPA backs US biofuel mandate

    01 September 2008

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has refused a request by Texas to halve the country's Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) mandate, but there could be more attempts to water down the target.

  • World Bank blames biofuel boom for food price rises

    01 September 2008

    A World Bank study has said large increases in biofuels production in the US and Europe are the biggest cause of rises in food prices around the globe since January 2002.

  • KLD launches bond index

    01 September 2008

    KLD Research & Analytics has launched an index family tracking bonds issued by US corporations with strong environmental, social governance (ESG) performance, branching out from equity indexes for the first time.