
  • Helping the panda escape the bear

    01 May 2009

    Recent falls in the price of CERs has hit project ­development in China – the engine of the CDM. Hajime Watanabe suggests how China's authorities might respond

  • Nothing ventured ...

    01 May 2009

    Rob Wylie was advising clean-technology companies long before the phrase was born – and successfully launched the UK's first venture fund in the sector. As his second fund closes in on its £150 million target, he talks to Mark Nicholls

  • EPA sees CAIR replacement in two years

    30 April 2009

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hopes to have an emissions control programme to replace the rejected Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) established in two years, according to a top EPA official.

  • SEB sees more demand for World Bank climate bonds

    30 April 2009

    A third World Bank climate bond issue is in the wings, Environmental Finance has learned from the Swedish bank that has placed the previous two issues. And European investors are planning to buy further bonds once the currently high costs of swapping dollars with euros have fallen, according to Christopher Flensborg, a coordinator in SEB's capital markets team.

  • HSBC hits €117m for 1st close of green infrastructure fund

    30 April 2009

    HSBC has raised €117 million ($156 million) of a targeted €500 million into its Environmental Infrastructure Fund.

  • First Wind scores financing for major Utah project

    30 April 2009

    Californian wind farm developer First Wind has secured $376 million to finance the first phase of a 203.5MW wind farm in Utah, involving a syndicate of nine banks.

  • Commission slams 'patchy progress' on EU renewables goals

    30 April 2009

    The EU is unlikely to meet renewable energy targets set for 2010, according to a report by the European Commission, which forecasts renewables will make up 19% of the bloc's electricity supply and 4% of the transport fuels by next year.

  • IFC to invest in growth-stage clean-tech firms

    30 April 2009

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is to begin lending to growth-stage clean technology companies as part of its efforts to promote environmentally sustainable businesses in developing economies.

  • Clean-tech angel investors launch 'network of networks'

    30 April 2009

    Three angel investors have launched a 'network of networks' aimed at boosting the profile of very early-stage investment in clean-tech firms.

  • Ethanol sector unites against California's land-use ruling on emissions

    29 April 2009

    Ethanol supporters sharply criticised what they perceive to be unfair treatment of biofuels in California's controversial, new low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) adopted last week.