
  • People moves this month

    01 June 2009

    Comings and goings in Environmental Finance this month

  • Built for success

    01 June 2009

    Fred Krupp of the Environmental Defense Fund explains why the NGO is backing Waxman-Markey to cap US greenhouse gas emissions

  • Back to business as usual?

    01 June 2009

    The financial crisis has transformed the banking landscape. But where has it left the pursuit of 'sustainable banking'? Jess McCabe reports

  • Competitive markets

    01 June 2009

    Despite the credit crunch, activity on carbon exchanges is heating up – as is competition between them. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Chicago and New York go head to head

    01 June 2009

    The Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) is emerging as the trading platform of choice for the US carbon market as the federal government presses forward with the potential adoption of a federal cap-and-trade system. The Green Exchange, led by the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex) and brokerage Evolution

  • Growing on trees?

    01 June 2009

    Investing in forestry and timber assets is nothing new. But investors are increasingly seeing the attraction of more sustainable forestry investments. Tom Fitzherbert-Brockholes reports

  • Where next for sustainable forestry investment?

    01 June 2009

    At present, sustainable forestry and timber investments are largely focused on gaining revenue from capital appreciation and timber-related products, with a small percentage looking to the voluntary carbon markets. The future could be quite different.

  • A lack of interest?

    01 June 2009

    Given the banking sector's fundamental role in the global economy and the fundamental economic threats posed by environmental issues, equity analysts covering the sector might be expected to care about banks' environmental reporting. Not so, found Richard Slack

  • Responding to recession

    01 June 2009

    The Low Carbon Accelerator has been put on the defensive by the economic gloom, but the venture capital fund's star companies are growing at a rate of knots. Jess McCabe reports

  • Inflation, innovation and the carbon market

    01 June 2009

    An investment in carbon assets doesn't just confer the right to emit greenhouse gases – it also offers potential hedges against inflation and the failure of technological innovation, says Gerrity Lansing