
  • Bridging loan tides over Econcern, but breakup imminent

    04 June 2009

    Dutch renewable energy company Econcern says it obtained short-term bridging finance earlier this week, and is now seeking to divest itself of potentially all of its joint ventures and operating companies.

  • Cap and trade would slash profits for US utilities – study

    04 June 2009

    Carbon costs in a cap-and-trade programme could wipe out earnings for some companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, according to a study by the Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) Institute.

  • Biofuels could cut jet emissions by 65%, says Air New Zealand

    03 June 2009

    The replacement by biofuels of half of the jet fuels now being burned could cut airlines' greenhouse gas emissions by 60–65%, claimed Air New Zealand.

  • Weather risk market halves in 08/09 – WRMA

    01 June 2009

    The notional value of transactions in the weather risk market in 2008/09 fell to $15.1 billion, less than half the previous year's $32 billion, as the economic meltdown took its toll on risk capital, according to an annual survey by the Weather Risk Management Association (WRMA).

  • Rockley launches $100m China fund

    01 June 2009

    UK-based technology funding firm Rockley Group has announced a $100 million fund that will invest in Chinese firms engaged in sustainable development activities.

  • PRI urges investors to step up on climate

    01 June 2009

    Investors must not wait for policy-makers to encourage them to act on the threat of climate change, according to a report by an investor coalition.

  • Osmosis plans €200m PE fund

    01 June 2009

    Osmosis Capital is understood to be aiming to raise €200 million ($279 million) into a low-carbon technology private equity fund of funds.

  • Renewables sector sees spate of fund raisings

    01 June 2009

    A number of renewable energy companies have successfully raised funds on the public markets, sparking hopes that conditions in the sector are on the up.

  • Energy chiefs bullish on renewables support

    01 June 2009

    Senior executives in the energy industry predict that subsidies for renewable energy will increase during the next year, despite global economic troubles, according to a KPMG mergers and acquisitions (M&A) report.

  • Econcern breakup imminent

    01 June 2009

    Dutch renewable energy company Econcern is facing break-up, after seeking "suspension of payments" in late May, following the expiry of its financing facility on 1 April.