
  • Quotes of the Quarter

    04 January 2016

    A round-up of the quotes of Q4 2015 that made headlines, including commments from Narendra Modi, Michael Bloomberg and Frederic Samama

  • What's the real impact of green bonds?

    25 November 2015

    Should an oil company be able to issue a green bond? Possibly, says Manuel Lewin.

  • A range of opinions

    13 April 2015

    Second-party opinion providers are becoming increasingly important to the green bond market. Sophie Robinson Tillett takes a look at the different providers

  • How Zurich will double its commitment to green bonds

    15 July 2014

    As part of plans to invest an additional $1 billion in green bonds, Zurich has adopted a new management strategy. Manuel Lewin tells Sophie Robinson-Tillett.