
  • Steady as she goes

    17 December 2010

    Weather risk dealers report a steady, if unspectacular, year in the market, while the catastrophe risk market has been buoyed by growing bond issuance. Charlotte Dudley reports

  • The finance starts to flow

    17 December 2010

    Policy uncertainty has sent a chill through renewable energy markets in 2010, but financing, at least, is starting to thaw. Jess McCabe reports

  • Europe gets smart about metering

    17 December 2010

    The roll-out of smart meters across Europe will become one of the largest and most complex investment programmes ever undertaken in the energy sector. Ronald Hendrikx considers what is at stake

  • Canada on the cusp

    17 December 2010

    Canada has been overlooked by environmental investors but, say Martin Grosskopf and Rachel Davies, its improving policy environment and healthy, resource-based economic fundamentals are positioning it to deliver the next spurt of clean-tech growth

  • Making the case for clean energy

    17 December 2010

    The renewable energy sector has been under particular attack of late, with sceptics taking potshots at its viability and environmental effectiveness. But many of these attacks are flawed or unfounded, say Gabriel Miller, Camilla Sharples and Paul Ho

  • Stuck on REDD

    17 December 2010

    Investment is urgently needed to save the world's tropical forests, but efforts of investors such as Hylton Murray-Philipson have been hobbled by slow progress towards an international 'REDD' framework. He talks to Mark Nicholls

  • Temperatures rising

    17 December 2010

    The US administration is considering whether to drag China to the WTO over alleged clean-tech protectionism. But ensuring that China plays by the rules is only one part of the story, says Jake Colvin

  • Not punishment, but cure

    17 December 2010

    James Cameron from Climate Change Capital says pricing carbon is a vital part of the world's growth strategy – which makes regulatory attacks on the market so baffling

  • Trading truncated

    17 December 2010

    The regulatory omens don't look good for the major US emissions markets, and the economic downturn has dried up liquidity in the regional ones. Gloria Gonzalez reports on a gloomy year in SO2 and NOx

  • California dreaming

    17 December 2010

    Trading is under way in California's nascent carbon market – which could form a basis for EPA carbon regulation across the US, say Stephen MacKenzie and Thomas Cape