
  • Gucci follows Puma's footsteps in costing environmental impact

    17 November 2011

    France's PPR group, which includes luxury brands Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, is to calculate the environmental cost of its operations, following the lead of its Puma sportswear division.

  • Why sustainability is going private

    17 November 2011

    The private equity industry is perfectly positioned to profit from the improved ESG performance of the companies in which it invests – and is waking up to the possibilities, says Adam Black

  • More companies set to recognise water risk – CDP

    16 November 2011

    Some 41% of companies responding to the CDP Water Disclosure Project do not consider water-related risks as having the potential to cause significant business impacts – a figure that is set to fall, as responding companies become more familiar with their exposures, according to those carrying out the research.

  • US debt committee won't confront energy subsidies – experts

    15 November 2011

    The so-called 'Super Committee' tasked with reducing the massive US deficit is unlikely to tackle subsidies for either renewable energy or traditional fossil fuels itself, but those programmes could eventually face the budget axe, experts said.

  • International Carbon Markets – Looking to Durban to deliver

    15 November 2011

    Will the international climate talks help lay the foundations of the next stage of growth in the world's carbon markets – or will deadlock further hit fragile sentiment? A special report from Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance

  • Waste-to-energy firm plans project fund

    15 November 2011

    A UK firm with a novel technology for turning waste into energy is proposing to raise a fund to finance installations across the country.

  • UK government seen backing mandatory carbon reporting

    14 November 2011

    The UK government is to decide by the end of the year whether to make greenhouse gas emissions reporting mandatory – and observers are hopeful that it will compel at least the largest companies to report on their carbon emissions.

  • Rand Paul fails to bring down US emissions markets

    14 November 2011

    An attempt to bar the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from implementing its Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) quickly collapsed in the US Senate.

  • Setting the standard for climate bonds

    14 November 2011

    After more than a year in development, this month sees the launch of a novel initiative to certify the environmental claims of climate bonds. Padraig Oliver and Sean Kidney explain

  • The critical metals opportunity

    14 November 2011

    The world's waste streams present a potentially lucrative opportunity for critical metal recovery. Nicholas Morley and Tom Whitehouse explain