
  • The smart grid investment opportunity

    20 December 2011

    The roll-out of Europe's smart grid and smart metering will create enormous demand for capital – and a substantial investment opportunity, says Hans Meissner

  • Near record-high catastrophe claims in 2011

    19 December 2011

    This year is set to see the second highest insured losses from natural and man-made catastrophes in history, at $108 billion, according to preliminary estimates by reinsurer Swiss Re.

  • BlackRock clean energy fund eyes push into nat gas, after tough year

    16 December 2011

    The managers of BlackRock's New Energy Investment Trust are looking at diversifying into natural gas following a year when the fund's share price fell 26.7%, against a drop of 1.3% in its performance benchmark index.

  • Energy companies push for higher carbon prices

    16 December 2011

    Some of Europe's biggest energy and manufacturing companies have called for a strengthening of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), in the wake of the release of the European Commission's energy roadmap and ahead of a key vote on the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).

  • Shareholders should beef-up tactics on engagement

    16 December 2011

    Environmental and social resolutions can be effective tools for driving change at corporations, but more aggressive strategies should be incorporated into the shareholder engagement movement, experts said.

  • A degree of change

    16 December 2011

    The weather market hasn't escaped the effects of the drop in risk appetite in commodity markets more broadly – but end-user business remains solid and new opportunities, such as in renewable energy, are keeping participants busy. Mark Nicholls reports

  • The rough with the smooth

    16 December 2011

    It's been a dire year for EU emissions trading and the Clean Development Mechanism – but things look brighter in California and Australia. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Clouds on the horizon

    16 December 2011

    While the US has largely avoided the financing freeze afflicting the European renewables market in recent months, financiers are nervous about what 2012 might hold. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Withholding judgement

    16 December 2011

    Not for the first time, traders and emitters in the US environmental markets are anxiously awaiting possible judicial intervention – this time, in the EPA's newly minted CSAPR markets. Gloria Gonzalez reports

  • US lagging on ESG due to legal, fiduciary red herrings

    15 December 2011

    The US is falling behind other countries and regions in integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into mainstream investment decisions, largely due to perceived legal or fiduciary risks, experts said.