
  • UK low-carbon agenda feared at risk after climate minister resigns

    06 February 2012

    More than 100 Conservative members of parliament (MPs) have called on the UK government to slash support for onshore wind farms, coinciding with the resignation of renewables advocate Chris Huhne as Secretary of State for Energy & Climate.

  • Rio leads the way on cap and trade

    05 February 2012

    Rio de Janeiro is embarking upon an ambitious plan to cap and trade greenhouse gas emissions within the state. Walter Figueiredo De Simoni explains

  • The case for clustering

    05 February 2012

    There has been an explosion of clean-tech clusters, promising to help accelerate the next generation of sustainable technologies. Peter Adriaens, Shawn Lesser and Ben Taube explain

  • In limbo again

    05 February 2012

    Just two days before the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule was due to come into effect, a federal court slammed on the brakes. Gloria Gonzalez reports on latest dose of regulatory uncertainty for US utilities and emissions markets

  • Eyes turn to adaptation finance

    05 February 2012

    Did the Durban climate talks begin to lay the foundations for adaptation finance mechanisms, asks Dirk Forrister

  • Green light for forest carbon

    04 February 2012

    Chris Cundy reports on what the Durban climate talks mean for a market in REDD+ carbon credits

  • Crisis continues for CDM

    04 February 2012

    Durban may have kept the climate talks on track, but with no additional demand for carbon credits, the CDM is on life-support. Mark Nicholls reports

  • People moves this month

    04 February 2012

    Comings and goings in Environmental Finance this month

  • Time to take action

    04 February 2012

    The world's largest companies have responded to investor demands to disclose information on climate change – but now those same investors are asking them to take action, says Craig Mackenzie

  • Global Environment Fund beats target for Africa forestry fund

    03 February 2012

    Global Environment Fund (GEF) has raised $160 million into its Africa Sustainable Forestry Fund, exceeding its target of $150 million.