
  • E+Co launches successor after restructuring

    12 November 2012

    Non-profit clean energy investor E+Co has launched a for-profit affiliate and successor, which will take over the management of its portfolio of renewable energy and carbon projects.

  • Pushing the ESG envelope

    09 November 2012

    Private equity funds are stepping up ESG integration – but will a blizzard of investor requests for intervention overwhelm them? Mark Nicholls reports

  • The phoenix fund manager

    09 November 2012

    The announcement that Aviva Investors was to pull out of sustainable and responsible investment sent shockwaves through the industry – but Peter Michaelis and his team have found a new home at Alliance Trust. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Australia says yes to new Kyoto target, New Zealand no

    09 November 2012

    Australia is willing to accept a new binding commitment under the Kyoto Protocol that reflects its minimum domestic 2020 target, Climate Change Minister Greg Combet announced today.

  • Voluntary carbon reporting 'is reaching its limits'

    09 November 2012

    Companies must be forced to disclose carbon emissions to drive significant reductions, as the current system of voluntary reporting is approaching the limits of what it can achieve, a leading advisor has claimed.

  • An environmental risk reckoning

    08 November 2012

    Leading banks may be talking a good game on low-carbon lending, but a closer look at their environmental exposures tells a different story. MSCI's Matt Moscardi digs deep into the sector's environmental risk management

  • 'Real options' valuation needed to unlock clean energy investment, say banks

    08 November 2012

    Clean energy investments are being undervalued and potentially rejected because traditional pricing models don't reflect their option value, according to a group of banks and energy companies.

  • US ITC gives go-ahead to penalties on Chinese solar imports

    08 November 2012

    The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has given its final approval to penalties on Chinese solar imports.

  • Sustainable investments soar from high net-worth individuals

    08 November 2012

    The value of sustainable investments made by high net-worth individuals in Europe has increased by 58% over the past two years, a study has found.

  • Obama re-election boosts wind credit extension hopes

    08 November 2012

    US President Barack Obama's re-election has set the stage for quick action to extend the production tax credit (PTC) for wind, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).