IIRC launches integrated reporting framework
10 December 2013A framework to help companies expand their reports beyond financial metrics and include measures of sustainability has been launched, marking "an important milestone" in the evolution of 'integrated reporting'.
Swedish pension fund invests SEK2bn to reduce fossil fuel exposure
10 December 2013One of Sweden's largest pension funds has invested SEK2 billion ($307 million) in a fund to lower its exposure to fossil fuels, and will ramp up its investment in low-carbon equity strategies to SEK6 billion by the end of the year.
Succeeding in uncertain times
09 December 2013Having survived another tough year, the winners in Environmental Finance's 14th Annual Market Rankings have proved they can cope with the pain and are poised to prosper when the tide turns.
GHGs: Back to the future
09 December 2013The winners in this year's rankings have triumphed in the face of adversity. They are now anxiously waiting for policymakers to make structural reforms to core markets, just as they were at the turn of the century. Graham Cooper reports
Weather and Catastrophe Risk: The winds of change
09 December 2013Winners in the weather risk market are increasingly seeing demand for risk protection broaden beyond the conventional energy market. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports
Renewable Identification Numbers: A year of RINsanity
09 December 2013The market for US biofuel credits has seen an unprecedented level of activity this year, but regulatory uncertainty makes the future of the market difficult to predict. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports
EIB makes €50m equity investment in renewables fund
09 December 2013The European Investment Bank (EIB) has committed €50 million ($69 million) to a fund that invests in European renewable energy.
'Responsibility reporting is now mainstream, but still not linked to performance'
09 December 2013The majority of big companies produce Corporate Responsibility (CR) reports but only 5% are linked to financial performance, leaving them open to accusations that they are merely 'greenwash', an event to mark the launch of a new study heard.
Quebec's first carbon auction clears at floor price on low demand
09 December 2013Carbon allowances were sold at the floor price of C$10.75 (US$10.08) in Quebec's first carbon auction, which saw demand for about a third of the permits on offer.
Bloomberg attempts to quantify risk of 'stranded assets'
09 December 2013A tool to help investors and companies quantify the potential risk they face if fossil fuel assets become 'stranded' as a result of government action to combat climate change, has been launched by Bloomberg.