
  • Green bonds 'need to attract additional capital'

    28 January 2015

    The green bond market is currently little more than "a marketing tool" because it has often failed to channel additional capital into environmental projects, according to an influential renewables financier.

  • Itau-Unibanco raises $408m for renewables in Brazil

    28 January 2015

    Itau-Unibanco, Brazil's largest privately owned bank, has raised BRL1.05 billion ($408 million) from a mix of public and private sector institutions to finance renewable energy and water projects.

  • Foresight hits £130m in waste investment

    28 January 2015

    Infrastructure investment firm Foresight Group said it has invested a total of £130 million ($197 million) in waste-processing projects.

  • Balance of power in renewables shifting to developing countries, says consultant

    27 January 2015

    A major shift in the distribution of renewable power capacity from the EU and North America to developing countries is likely over the next decade, according to consultants Frost & Sullivan.

  • UK government urged to promote natural capital accounting

    27 January 2015

    The UK's Natural Capital Committee (NCC) has urged the government to identify priority investments and promote the use of a new accounting framework to help meet its commitment to improve the nation's natural environment.

  • The best performing funds of 2014: Tareno Waterfund

    27 January 2015

    The water theme continues to provide strong returns. Tareno Waterfund, the best performing fund of 2014, splashed out on emerging market and small cap stocks. Peter Cripps reports

  • EU carbon market weekly update

    26 January 2015

    After the EU industry committee's failure to agree a position on the Market Stability Reserve, carbon traders will this week be focusing on the record auction volumes coming to market, says Louis Redshaw.

  • GIB appoints its first CFO

    26 January 2015

    The UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) has appointed its first chief financial officer, and said it has now moved "beyond the start-up phase".

  • Oxford Capital raising £100m for UK solar fund

    26 January 2015

    Private equity house Oxford Capital Partners is aiming to raise £100 million ($150 million) in its first UK renewables-focused fund aimed at institutional investors.

  • Glennmont pays £160m for Wales biomass project

    26 January 2015

    UK-based clean energy investor Glennmont Partners has paid £160 million ($240 million) for a 40MW biomass power project in Wales.