$25m green bond fund launched
27 October 2017A $25 million green bond fund has been launched, as a separate account on behalf of a US endowment, Environmental Finance has learned.
Biggest fossil fuel companies more than six times over carbon budget
27 October 2017The 200 biggest coal and oil & gas companies have more than six times their allocated carbon budget in their reserves, according to a report by the Fossil Free Indexes (FFI).
Canadian Solar to raise $156m through Japan yieldco IPO
27 October 2017Renewables company Canadian Solar expects to raise ¥17.78 billion ($156 million) from the upcoming initial public offering (IPO) of its Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund (CSIF) yieldco this month.
KfW's 2017 green bonds prevent 2.1m tonnes of GHG
27 October 2017KfW has issued €2.7 billion ($3.2 billion) in green bonds in 2017, avoiding 2.1 million tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per annum, it has estimated
UBS launches Global Impact Fund
26 October 2017UBS Asset Management (AM) has launched UBS Equity SICAV Global Impact Fund, an open-ended fund targeting companies that aim to have a positive social and environmental impact.
Investors welcome guidance on green bond reporting from Nordic issuers
26 October 2017Investors have welcomed a set of guidelines intended primarily to help Nordic public sector borrowers report on the environmental impact of their green bonds.
Rathbone Greenbank funds hit £1bn
26 October 2017Rathbone Greenbank Investments has hit £1 billion ($1.3 billion) in funds under management, as it claims ethical investing has gone mainstream.
To label or not to label?
26 October 2017When financing climate change mitigation, the impact does not depend on whether or not a bond carries a 'green' label, argues Nicole Martin
Shell and BP shareholder capital at risk, says ShareAction
26 October 2017Shareholders need to escalate engagement action with the management and boards of oil companies BP and Shell over the low-carbon transition as they face significant financial risk, according to responsible investment non-profit organisation ShareAction.
Green bonds round-up, 25 October 2017
25 October 2017The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has issued its third $1 billion green bond for investment in emerging markets, taking its total issuance to more than $7 billion.