
  • Real estate investors have 'clear fiduciary duty' on climate risks, say industry bodies

    08 February 2016

    Real estate investors are "one of the most important decision making groups on earth" when it comes to climate change, say the authors of a framework devised to tackle climate risk in the sector.

  • COP Blog: What investors want from Paris

    30 November 2015

    Leading global investors from Europe, the US and Australasia will turn out in force to attend the climate negotiations starting this week in Paris. Stephanie Pfeifer explains what they will be pressing for.

  • INDCs can limit global warming to 2.7°C, says UN's Figueres

    30 October 2015

    Investors have welcomed research suggesting that the national pledges made ahead of the Paris climate summit have the potential to limit global warming to 2.7°C.

  • Insurers demand action on climate change

    01 October 2015

    The leaders of 15 insurance firms have written to the governor of the Bank of England demanding "urgent action" on climate change.

  • EIB smashes €10bn green bond mark with new CAB

    21 August 2015

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has added to its range of Climate Awareness Bonds (CABs), in a deal that was upsized to €600 million ($677 million) amid strong demand.

  • IEA calls for spending on renewables to increase to $400bn

    15 June 2015

    Annual investment in renewable energy needs to increase to $400 billion by 2030 or the chance to avert catastrophic climate change will be "missed forever", the international Energy Agency (IEA) has warned.

  • Oil firms demand worldwide carbon pricing in open letter

    01 June 2015

    A group of six oil companies have called for the introduction of a global carbon price as part of "ambitious policy frameworks" to help tackle climate change, in an open letter to world leaders.

  • IIGCC calls for 12 fixes to Juncker Plan

    19 March 2015

    A report backed by investors worth €10 trillion ($10.6 trillion) has called for "12 fixes" to boost low-carbon infrastructure investment in Europe.

  • Business welcomes EU Parliament vote on carbon market reform

    25 February 2015

    Industry and investor groups have welcomed yesterday's vote by the EU Parliament's environment committee to introduce a 'Market Stability Reserve' (MSR) into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in 2018.

  • Expectations for 2015: Q&A with Stephanie Pfeifer of the IIGCC

    14 January 2015

    Investors hope the following year will see further progress on reforming the EU ETS and remain hopeful of a global deal in Paris