
  • People moves

    04 November 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, covering companies including the World Bank, Aberdeen Asset Management, Principles for Responsible Investment, Sindicatum, E.On, PwC and more

  • Call for coalition to drive green bond market growth

    01 November 2013

    Citi and Bank of America Merrill Lynch have attempted to accelerate the growth of the fledgling green bond market by calling for a collaboration of investors, issuers and dealers to drive its development.

  • NGOs claim victory as Arctic drilling platform plans scrapped

    25 October 2013

    Plans to build two Arctic oil drilling platforms have been scrapped after environmentalists warned the project's financiers that the activities would jeopardise the future of one of the most endangered whale species.

  • Investors and businesses lobby for early EU ETS reform

    25 October 2013

    A group of 53 businesses, investors and trade associations has called on the European Commission to bring forward, to the end of this year, draft legislation to reform the beleaguered EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).

  • World Bank seeks new carbon head

    24 October 2013

    Joëlle Chassard is to retire as manager of the World Bank's carbon finance unit at the end of the month, according to a newsletter from the Bank.

  • Vattenfall joins calls for 'EU carbon central bank'

    23 October 2013

    The head of one of Europe's largest utilities has joined calls to set up a body regulating the supply of allowances in the continent's beleaguered emissions trading system.

  • People moves

    16 October 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, including appointments at the Green Climate Fund, Global Reporting Initiative, Green Investment Bank, Trillium Asset Management and more

  • Green Climate Fund elects new co-chairs

    15 October 2013

    The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has appointed two new co-chairs that will lead the board's work to channel climate finance to developing countries.

  • Stranded assets: the divestment debate

    14 October 2013

    There are calls for investors to reduce their exposure to fossil fuel stocks amid fears that their valuations will slump if politicians make good on their climate promises. But is now the right time to divest? Two institutional investors with contrasting views spoke to Environmental Finance

  • UK renewables investor completes first transactions

    14 October 2013

    Belltown Alpha Renewables (BAR), a new company investing in small and medium-scale renewables projects in the UK, has announced its first two deals.