
  • A watershed year

    10 January 2014

    It has been a landmark year for the fledgling green bond market, which was buoyed by unprecedented growth in 2013. But can it continue, asks Peter Cripps

  • Leading the pack

    09 January 2014

    PensionDanmark has invested heavily in renewable energy – a step the majority of its peers have not taken. Its CEO Torben Möger Pedersen tells Elza Holmstedt Pell how renewables have become a 'mainstream' investment for the pension fund

  • 'Innovative' asset-backed securities raise $100m

    24 December 2013

    A company that invests in sustainable infrastructure projects has issued its first asset-backed securities, in an "innovative" transaction that has raised $100 million.

  • EIB's Knowles joins CBI panel

    20 December 2013

    Christopher Knowles, head of the European Investment Bank's environment division, has joined the advisory panel at NGO the Climate Bonds Initiative.

  • Looking back at 2013

    18 December 2013

    Stranded assets, retroactive subsidy cuts and backloading were among the themes that dominated the markets in 2013. Peter Cripps looks back on some of the highs and lows of the past 12 months.

  • Time to advance?

    17 December 2013

    Advanced biofuel makers have disappointed some investors in their struggle to ramp up production to a commercial scale. But do recent plant developments and investment decisions indicate that the sector is turning a corner, asks Elza Holmstedt Pell

  • People moves

    16 December 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, including appointments at the International Corporate Governance Network, Mainstream Renewable Power, Sustainable Development Capital and more

  • Swedish government aims to buy 10 million CERs

    12 December 2013

    A Swedish government agency has issued a call for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project proposals, after announcing plans to buy up to 10 million carbon offsets.

  • GHGs: Back to the future

    09 December 2013

    The winners in this year's rankings have triumphed in the face of adversity. They are now anxiously waiting for policymakers to make structural reforms to core markets, just as they were at the turn of the century. Graham Cooper reports

  • Weather and Catastrophe Risk: The winds of change

    09 December 2013

    Winners in the weather risk market are increasingly seeing demand for risk protection broaden beyond the conventional energy market. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports