
  • Green bond industry groups turn spotlight on property sector

    03 June 2015

    Two reports aiming to establish best practice among green bond issuers in the real estate sector have been published by separate industry groups.

  • Investors managing $12trn call for long-term emissions reduction goal

    26 May 2015

    Investors managing $12 trillion of assets have urged G7 finance ministers to back a long-term emissions reduction plan, to help limit the average global temperature increase to 2⁰C above pre-industrial levels.

  • Investors launch platform to showcase their climate change initiatives

    20 May 2015

    A group of institutional investors, managing some $25 trillion, have launched an online platform to highlight the actions they are taking to curb climate change.

  • Nathan Fabian joins PRI from IGCC

    08 May 2015

    Nathan Fabian has joined the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) as director of policy, after serving six years as CEO of the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC).

  • Bioenergy standards proposed

    25 March 2015

    Bioenergy standards for projects eligible for funding from green bonds have been released, and cover social impacts as well as environmental ones.

  • Global investor coalition calls for ambitious climate deal

    18 September 2014

    A coalition of some of the world's biggest investors has demanded an ambitious climate deal to help unlock the $1 trillion of investment needed to combat climate change.

  • Repeal of Australia's carbon tax "will hit investors" [UPDATED]

    21 July 2014

    The repeal of Australia's controversial Carbon Pricing Mechanism or 'carbon tax' will harm the economy and cause losses for investors, a financial pressure group has warned.

  • Australia faces laws of unintended consequences

    21 January 2014

    Australia's change of direction on climate change policy is causing concern among the financial community. Graham Cooper reports

  • IIGCC joins Climate Bond Standards board

    14 January 2014

    The Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) has added its weight to an initiative to agree standards for the rapidly growing green bonds market.

  • More investors divest or avoid investment on climate change concerns – survey

    05 August 2013

    The proportion of investors that divested or chose to avoid investment based on concerns related to climate change grew rapidly last year, a survey has suggested.