
  • BP suffers 'significant' shareholder rebellion over climate plans

    28 April 2023

    BP's shareholders voted to show their increasing discontent over the oil and gas firm's climate plans at its annual meeting.

  • BP faces shareholder rebellion over climate action climbdown

    27 April 2023

    BP is to face a growing shareholder backlash at its AGM today over concerns the oil giant is scaling back its climate ambition.

  • Bond investors 'now pricing in' oil and gas firm climate strategies

    27 March 2023

    Fixed income investors have increasingly been pricing in the climate strategies of oil and gas firms following the energy crisis sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to ABN Amro.

  • Biodiversity fund assets triple in 2022 to nearly $1bn

    27 February 2023

    Assets in biodiversity funds passed $984 million at the end of 2022, with a flurry of strategy launches despite macroeconomic woes, Thomas Cox reports

  • UBP optimistic despite biodiversity fund halving in size

    21 February 2023

    After a difficult year that saw its biodiversity-themed listed equities fund halve in size, demand for nature financing will grow due to policy changes and the effects of the COP15 agreement,...

  • UBP on the hunt for profitable social investments

    09 February 2023

    Social investments, particularly in developed markets, are constrained by the lack of profitability in some sectors, Union Bancaire Privée has said.

  • 'Some meaningful success' on COP15 financing, says UBP

    09 January 2023
  • ABP sets target to invest €30bn in energy transition

    16 December 2022

    Dutch pension fund ABP has set a target to invest €30 billion ($32 billion) in the climate transition, as it bids to reduce its carbon footprint across its entire global investment portfolio by 50% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels.

  • No oil and gas company has credible transition strategy

    20 July 2022

    No oil and gas company has laid out a clear path away from fossil fuel production, said Sustainable Fitch.

  • UBP eyes 'smart agtech' amid escalating fertiliser costs

    05 July 2022

    Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) said it is targeting investments in agricultural technology (agtech) solutions that reduce famers' reliance on fertiliser, pesticides, and water waste, amid rising fertiliser prices globally.