
  • GIB appoints its first CFO

    26 January 2015

    The UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) has appointed its first chief financial officer, and said it has now moved "beyond the start-up phase".

  • Shell shareholder resolution on carbon gets go-ahead from investors, BP set to follow

    16 December 2014

    A shareholder resolution demanding that Shell report on its climate change strategy has attracted the 100 signatories it needs in order to be filed at the company's AGM, while a similar action against BP is on course to reach the same milestone.

  • Natixis arranges 'landmark' €165m solar project bond

    04 December 2014

    A portfolio of solar photovoltaic (PV) plants has undergone a debt refinancing in a €165 million ($204 million) landmark transaction, said its arranger, Natixis.

  • Investors should move on stranded asset risk 'sooner rather than later', warns bank

    28 October 2014

    Investors with a focus on sustainability should begin to take action to mitigate the threat of 'stranded fossil fuel assets' sooner rather than later, a bank research note has advised.

  • Carbon Tracker identifies potential stranded assets in oil majors

    15 August 2014

    Projected capital expenditure by Total and ExxonMobil is more heavily dependent on high oil prices than that of other oil majors, according to the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI), a financial think tank.

  • Will there be blood?

    16 July 2014

    The stranded carbon assets debate has gathered steam in the wake of a new report on the oil sector and after fossil fuel giants addressed the issue for the first time. What are the implications for investors, asks Peter Cripps.

  • Cenovus wades into stranded assets debate

    30 May 2014

    Canadian oil firm Cenovus Energy has become the latest fossil fuel company to engage in the debate on 'stranded carbon assets'.

  • Shell considers 'stranded assets' risk when screening projects

    29 May 2014

    The possibility that certain oil and gas assets may become 'stranded' as a result of government regulations to combat climate change is included in contingency plans when Royal Dutch Shell assesses potential new projects, a company spokesman said.

  • Exxon disappoints investors with response to 'stranded assets' risk

    01 April 2014

    ExxonMobil has rejected the suggestion from several investor groups that much of its fossil-fuel reserves will be rendered 'unburnable', as a result of global efforts to combat climate change.

  • BP enters debate on unburnable carbon

    20 March 2014

    BP has weighed into the debate on stranded assets, acknowledging the concept of a carbon budget, but effectively shrugging off warnings over stranded assets.