
  • EF BRIEFS: FSB, Axis Bank, EIB, Stockholm, Canadian Solar, GRI, BP

    23 May 2016

    The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has appointed nine more members to its new Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

  • Investors are optimistic about Exxon and Chevron climate change resolutions

    20 May 2016

    Investors are optimistic of a "positive" result for two shareholder resolutions on climate change at ExxonMobil and Chevron ahead their annual general meetings next week, despite opposition from the companies' boards.

  • Oil majors would add value by focussing on low-carbon assets, says CTI

    09 May 2016

    Major oil and gas companies could be worth significantly more by aligning their investment plans with a 2°C climate change target rather than pursuing business as usual, according to the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI).

  • Norges Bank gives boost to Exxon and Chevron climate change resolutions

    05 May 2016

    Norges Bank's backing of climate change resolutions at ExxonMobil and Chevron will boost investor confidence in their outcome, according to one engagement specialist.

  • Investors representing $6trn back climate change resolution at ExxonMobil

    13 April 2016

    Investors representing $6 trillion of assets under management (AUM) have thrown their weight behind a shareholder resolution demanding that ExxonMobil disclose the impact of climate change policy on its business.

  • ESG disclosure requirements need less of a 'blanket approach', says Deloitte

    14 March 2016

    Sustainability indicators for listed companies need to be more tailored, to enable firms to report more clearly on material risks, according to a specialist at Deloitte.

  • First index launched to track bonds from low-carbon issuers

    08 March 2016

    An index has been launched which is believed to be the first to comprise bonds from low-carbon companies.

  • Philippines geothermal firm issues credit-enhanced green bond

    01 March 2016

    AP Renewables, a Philippines-based project operator and developer, has issued a PHP10.7 billion ($225 million) green bond, with backing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

  • EF BRIEFS: First Reserve, Capital Stage, Gestamp Solar, HSBC, BP, Yingli

    15 February 2016

    Energy investor First Reserve has acquired a US wind farm from Mariah Acquisition for an undisclosed sum.

  • GBPs 'are not evolving into standards'

    08 February 2016

    The body overseeing the Green Bond Principles (GBPs) has denied rumours that signatories are exploring the possibility of developing a set of standards, although it has emerged that five working groups have been set up to help guide their evolution.