
  • Carney: EU Taxonomy 'still too narrow'

    25 March 2020

    Former Bank of England governor Mark Carney has reiterated that the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities remains "quite proscriptive" despite recent revisions, while he is optimistic it will become richer through the addition of transition activities in the future.

  • EU Taxonomy to be reference in innovating bond market - ICMA

    17 March 2020

    The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) believes the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities will become a key reference as the green bond market moves beyond its current use of proceeds focus.

  • EU's TEG: Develop 'brown' taxonomy to support energy transition

    09 March 2020

    The EU should devise a taxonomy of activities that cause significant harm to the environment, the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) has recommended.

  • Nordic green bond issuers include EU standard in new reporting guidance

    19 February 2020

    A group of Nordic issuers has set out recommendations on how to report green bond impact in line with the proposed EU Green Bond Standard (GBS).

  • HSBC named largest green, social and sustainability bond manager

    10 February 2020

    HSBC became the largest green, social and sustainability (GSS) bond market underwriter in 2019, in a year marked by rapidly accelerating diversification of the market.

  • Shipping - the trillion-dollar challenge

    24 January 2020

    The growing support for the Poseidon Principles underlines the crucial role for finance in helping the shipping industry chart a course towards a greener future, says Ahren Lester

  • CDP announces 179 'A list' leading climate action companies

    20 January 2020

    CDP has named over 170 firms as being global leaders for transparency and action on climate change for 2019.

  • EU Taxonomy hits roadblock

    11 December 2019

    The European Union (EU) has laid out plans to become the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050, although its green Taxonomy plans were blocked by the UK and France.

  • EU agreement will make Taxonomy 'much more extensive in scope'

    06 December 2019

    A provisional agreement by the EU on the structural outline of its Taxonomy of sustainable activities has significantly broadened its scope and answered critics who suggested it would be too 'niche', according to a member of the team tasked with helping devise it.

  • Consultation on TEG's draft Taxonomy receives 6,900 responses

    06 December 2019