
  • ‘World-first’ sustainable fund launches search for manager

    03 May 2019

    The search has been launched for managers of a planned ‘global sustainable energy innovation fund’, which looks to blend up to €3 billion ($3.4 billion) of public and private finance “to overcome the inherent funding challenges for disruptive sustainable energy innovations”.

  • 27 firms sign up to green finance principles for Belt and Road

    29 April 2019

    A set of green financing guidelines for China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has received backing from 27 firms around the world.

  • People Moves: Transition Pathway Initiative, GRI, Credit Suisse, IETA, CalPERS, Hermes EOS, CGC, Robeco and DZ Bank

    25 January 2019
  • Simplify SDG finance to unleash scale, says UBS

    23 January 2019

    UBS has called on the financial sector and policymakers to simplify and standardise investing in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help close the current financing gap to reach the goals.

  • Why investors need to start accounting for natural capital

    23 February 2018

    There is an increasing awareness that natural capital can no longer be taken for granted, and can lead to a better understanding of both risks and opportunities, argues James Hulse

  • VCS becomes Verra as it seeks to capture sustainable development opportunity

    20 February 2018

    The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) has changed its name to Verra as it aims to capture growing demand for sustainable development and environmental standards with the launch of new products.

  • Environmental risks again at top of World Economic Forum report

    17 January 2018

    The four global risks exhibiting the highest impact with the greatest likelihood of materialising are all environmental, according to the latest Global Risks Report published today (17 January) by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

  • Water potential is in Africa rather than China

    03 March 2017

    Africa, rather than China, is where growth potential in water lies, according to a manager of one of the leading water funds.

  • HSBC tightens policy on palm oil financing

    21 February 2017

    HSBC has pledged to tighten its policy on financing palm oil companies, to help improve the sustainability of the industry.

  • Environmental concerns dominate WEF's risk report

    11 January 2017

    Environmental concerns are "more prominent than ever" in the annual catalogue of risks threatening the world, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).