
  • Corporates hope to stop reporting 'legacy' ESG data points

    16 May 2024

    Corporates are hoping to "weed" out some of the ESG data points they report, an Environmental Finance conference heard, with one saying they currently report more than 2,000.

  • Bond round-up: Japan, Verizon, MuniFin ... and more

    21 February 2024
  • Green, social and sustainability bond market nearly doubles in third quarter

    05 October 2020

    In a year thrown into disarray by the coronavirus pandemic, Ahren Lester reports on how issuance of green, social and sustainability bonds has continued to power ahead, helped by a broadening range of issuers and more large issues.

  • The biggest announcements so far from Climate Week

    24 September 2020

    As Climate Week draws to a close, here are some of the most important announcements from an event defined by the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Boom time for green bond funds

    04 March 2020

    Green bond funds reported sizeable assets growth in 2019, Ahren Lester explains, as the green bond market benefitted from rising market credibility and the arrival of ubiquitous corporate names.

  • NN launches corporate green bond fund

    03 March 2020

    NN Investment Partners has launched a corporate green bond fund amid significant growth in the level of issuance from companies in 2019.

  • ESG in Fixed Income featuring Green bonds Americas conference 2019

    14 October 2019

    The conference attracted 300 delegates this year, as the discussion broadened out to cover sustainability in the overall fixed income market. Michael Hurley and Peter Cripps report

  • Telecoms green bonds ‘in top half’ of S&P’s Green Evaluation

    11 September 2019

    Green telecom bonds would fall in the top half of S&P’s scoring range under its Green Evaluation analysis, indicating a positive environmental impact, according to a report by the ratings agency.

  • Green bond comment September: Are stringent standards a good thing?

    04 September 2019

    Heads were turned when it was recently revealed that just 17% of the market value of bonds contained in the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Green Bond Index would meet the proposed EU Taxonomy criteria – and thus be eligible to be verified in line with the EU Green Bond Standard (GBS).

  • ESG in Fixed Income, featuring the Green Bonds Americas conference 2019 - early bird ends this Friday

    01 August 2019

    The fifth annual ESG in Fixed Income, featuring the Green Bonds Americas conference will take place in New York on 17 September.