
  • People moves: IOSCO, London Stock Exchange Group, Simmons & Simmons, UBS

    19 October 2018

    Peter Damgaard Jensen has been appointed as co-organizer of the newly founded Global Commission on Adaptation. Damgaard Jensen also acts as CEO of Danish pension scheme PKA and chair of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), an investor association taking action to support a low-carbon future.

  • Pension funds 'lag corporates' in understanding ESG

    28 April 2016

    Many corporations understand environmental social and governance (ESG) issues, but their pension funds often lag behind, according to one large fund.

  • NWB becomes the first company to launch 'annual green bond'

    30 June 2014

    Dutch municipal bank Nederlandse Waterschapsbank (NWB) is set to follow up its inaugural €500 million ($680 million) green bond issue with an annual green bond issues.