
  • FTSE Russell launches climate index for government bond market

    14 April 2021
  • 10% of firms face ejection as FTSE4Good tightens climate rules

    19 January 2021

    Around 10% of all constituents on the FTSE4Good indexes face exclusion after the climate thresholds are tightened through a tie-up with the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) scores.

  • Planet Tracker identifies deforestation risk behind ETFs

    18 December 2020

    Exchange traded funds (ETFs) from asset managers including BlackRock (iShares), Vanguard and State Street hide entrenched deforestation risk from investors, according to sustainability think tank Planet Tracker.

  • News round-up: LGIM launches transition fund, ICE to host UK ETS, Vestas takes CIP stake ... and more

    18 December 2020
  • Macquarie and BT Pension push TPI support past $20trn

    16 October 2020

    Membership of the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) has surged past the $20 trillion milestone, just over three years after it was launched.

  • ESG news round-up: Calvert joins Morgan Stanley; CofE drops ExxonMobil; HSBC in net-zero pledge

    09 October 2020
  • GPIF predicts equity boost and bond pain from more stringent climate policies

    08 October 2020

    The largest pension fund in the world has estimated its equity portfolio could experience an accelerating valuation boost if more stringent climate policy restrictions are introduced to reach global targets, whereas its corporate bond portfolio could suffer deeper losses as policy tightens.

  • BlackRock's iShares launches first climate-risk adjusted government bond fund

    06 October 2020

    BlackRock has launched a product that is believed to be the first climate-risk-adjusted exchange-traded fund (ETF) to invest in government bonds.

  • Taiwan's TDCC launch ESG ratings dashboard

    28 August 2020

    The Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation (TDCC) has launched a dashboard to help issuers and investors access environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings for Taiwanese firms, using data from four partnered ESG data providers.

  • ESG data market 'to more than double, to $5bn'

    26 June 2020

    The environmental, social and governance (ESG) data and services market could more than double to over $5 billion by 2025, it has been forecast, as institutional investor interest grows in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.