
  • DWS fined $19m by SEC for 'misleading' ESG statements

    25 September 2023
  • BCG: Start reporting Scope 3, ahead of SEC rules, to gain competitive advantage

    09 June 2023

    Proposed disclosure rules for US companies are likely to pose significant challenges - but those that prepare early could reap a competitive advantage, according to Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

  • SEC climate disclosure law 'to be delayed to H2'

    26 April 2023

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) planned climate disclosure rules are likely to be delayed to the second half of 2023, an Environmental Finance conference heard.

  • SEC rules may 'compel' companies to link pay to ESG, commissioner says

    26 August 2022

    Rules that require US-listed companies to describe the link between financial performance and how much they pay their executives could mean that boards feel "compelled" to link remuneration to sustainability metrics, a senior official suggested.

  • 'Writing on the wall' for uptick in SEC's ESG scrutiny, says law firm

    14 June 2022

    The "writing is on the wall" for a significant uptick in scrutiny by the US securities markets regulator of fund manager claims of environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration, according to a US law firm.

  • Bank of Canada encourages regulator to tighten climate disclosure rules

    13 June 2022

    The Bank of Canada has urged the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) to tighten climate risk disclosure rules or else Canadian firms will struggle to attract enough capital to finance their transition.

  • Companies should ready Scope 3 disclosures, says ERM

    10 June 2022

    More companies will be urged to undertake scope 3 emissions disclosures under new international standards and should ramp up their preparations to meet these demands, according to ERM.

  • US SEC proposes rules for ESG disclosures, naming conventions

    26 May 2022

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed rules to govern the information fund managers and advisers must provide when they market their funds as having an environmental, social or governance (ESG) focus.

  • SEC climate rules are evolution, not revolution - Gensler

    13 April 2022

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)'s proposed climate disclosure rules fit the agency's mandate and conform to its "long tradition"...

  • Comment: Do the SEC's climate rules go far enough?

    22 March 2022

    Investors heralded US climate disclosure rules - but in which areas could they go further, asks Michael Hurley