
  • COP28: Sovereign sustainability-linked finance task force launched

    05 December 2023

    Eight development banks and financial institutions have launched a technical task force to support the development and growth of the sustainability-linked finance market for sovereign issuers to achieve global climate and nature goals.

  • Gabon deal shows rise of nature bond conversions

    16 August 2023

    The Gabon blue bond is the third debt-for-nature deal of this type signed in the last year, boosting confidence these transactions can be scaled. Ahren Lester writes

  • US Development Finance Corporation unveils impact assessment system

    26 June 2020

    The US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) has unveiled a system by which it plans to assess the positive and negative environmental and social impact of its investments.

  • Impact part of US Development Finance Corporation's pitch for funds

    06 March 2020

    The US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) has requested a budget of $836 million to meet its annual financing needs - including for an expanded programme to make impact investments in developing countries.