
  • UPM signs sustainability loan linked to biodiversity goals

    17 March 2020
  • CDP unveils Johnson & Johnson, Gap and Kao in green leaders list

    22 January 2019

    Johnson & Johnson, Gap and KAO have reached the top 2% of firms covered by CDP's annual environmental ranking.

  • CBI readies certification criteria for forestry bonds

    16 July 2018

    A public consultation on criteria for forestry and other land use projects to be certified under the Climate Bonds Standard is due to end on 20 July.

  • Tesla is top CO₂ performer but lags in disclosure, TPI says

    14 February 2018

    Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla is the best performer in the automobile sector in terms of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, but is let down by its disclosure on the issue, a report has found.

  • Large-scale programmatic CDM project issues 80,000 offsets

    20 January 2014

    The developer of a biogas project in China has completed the biggest-ever issuance of offsets from a 'programmatic' Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project.