
  • UK to raise £2.5bn from first 2024 green bond deal

    31 January 2024

    The UK will raise £2.5 billion ($3.2 billion) from a tap of its 2053 sovereign green bond in an auction to take place next week, marking the start of its 2024 sustainable bond issuance after a record-breaking 2023.

  • Bond round-up: UK, IIX, Hitachi and more

    13 December 2023
  • UK plans green bond tap in May

    29 April 2022

    A senior UK debt management official has confirmed that the country plans to tap its first green bond in May after announcing a further £10 billion ($12.5 billion) green bond issuance programme for the next year.

  • Second UK green bond secures largest sovereign oversubscription

    22 October 2021

    The UK has issued the sovereign green bond with the longest tenor after it raised £6 billion ($8.3 billion) from its second issue, with the transaction more than 12-times oversubscribed by investors.

  • Second UK green bond launch delayed amid string of climate policy announcements

    20 October 2021

    The launch of the second UK sovereign green bond has been delayed in order to allow investors to digest a string of climate policy updates...

  • Sustainable investors remain cautious on UK green gilts

    15 October 2021

    As the UK prepares to issue it second sovereign green bond after a record-breaking debut, sustainable investors continue to raise concerns about certain aspects of its green bond programme. Ahren Lester reports

  • UK readies second green bond auction for next week

    14 October 2021

    The UK has announced plans to launch its second sovereign green bond auction next week, a month after its successful record-breaking green bond debut.

  • UK green gilt uncovers 'pent-up' sterling green bond demand

    01 October 2021
  • UK urged to issue inaugural green bond with 2033 maturity

    24 August 2021

    A majority of investors and banks have urged the UK to issue its maiden sovereign green bond with a 2033 maturity...

  • Australian debt head unconvinced by green bond cost benefit

    16 June 2021

    The Australian debt management office head said he remains "unconvinced" by the cost appeal...