
  • California carbon market sells 100% of allowances, following court judgement

    26 May 2017

    The California and Québec cap-and-trade programme sold all of its carbon allowance for the first time since 2015, after renewed optimism in the market following the recent court judgement in its favour.

  • California carbon market sells just 16.6% of allocation

    02 March 2017

    California and Québec's carbon market collapsed again, with just 12.4 million, 16.6%, of the 74.8 million tonnes of allowances available at the Cap-and-Trade Program sold at last month's auction, at the 'floor price' of $13.57 a tonne.

  • US carbon markets start the year at 'crossroads'

    13 January 2017

    Both carbon markets in the US, the California Cap-and-Trade Program and the North East's Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), enter 2017 at a crossroads, according to one industry expert.

  • EU ETS needs further reform to prevent drastic price falls

    04 January 2017

    Ambitious reform is urgently needed to rescue the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) from further falls in prices, which some analysts warn could sink as low as €2.50 ($2.60) a tonne by the end of 2017.

  • EU ETS falls 17% on Brexit

    24 June 2016

    The EU emissions trading system (ETS) opened 17% down today, as traders were stunned by the news that UK had voted to leave the trading block.

  • Aviation emission allowances: prepared for take-off

    05 February 2015

    Carbon is well and truly back on the agenda for the aviation sector in 2015. Airlines should prepare for the risk that the price of emission allowances could lift significantly in coming years, argue Louis Redshaw and Julien Dufour.

  • How should the EU carbon market be redesigned?

    04 February 2015

    A Market Stability Reserve (MSR) has been proposed to deal with the oversupply of allowances that has depressed prices and trading activity in the EU emissions trading system (ETS) in recent years. Several designs for the MSR have been proposed, with varying impacts on EUA prices, say analysts at ICIS Tschach Solutions in a new White Paper.

  • EU ETS 'boosted' by 2030 clarity

    24 October 2014

    The EU's 2030 framework gave a much-needed boost to the prospects of its beleaguered carbon market.