
  • SEC disclosure rules promise clarity - Trillium

    30 May 2022
  • People moves: BNP PAM, Trillium's new UK team, DSC Meridian and more...

    23 April 2021
  • Banks with $29trn in assets pledge to set 2050 'net zero' targets

    21 April 2021

    A group of banks with about $28.5 trillion in assets has joined a UN-convened 'Net Zero Banking Alliance', and in doing so pledged to "align operational and attributable emissions from their portfolios with pathways to net-zero by 2050 or sooner".

  • Perpetual closes $36m acquisition of ESG investor Trillium

    03 July 2020

    The $36 million acquisition of environmental, social and governance (ESG)-focused investment firm Trillium Asset Management by Australian financial firm Perpetual has completed.

  • BlackRock urged to back words with actions in AGM season

    14 January 2019

    The world’s largest money manager has been pressured to back climate-related shareholder resolutions, in a letter addressed to its CEO Larry Fink by investors and NGOs.

  • Investors and corporates join forces in new plastics initiative

    31 October 2018

    More than 15 major institutional investors and organisations representing several hundred companies have joined forces in support of a new initiative "to eradicate plastic waste and pollution at source".

  • US's oldest asset manager launches first ESG funds

    08 June 2016

    John Hancock Investments has launched two environmental, social and governance (ESG) focused funds.

  • Trillium launches second ESG mutual fund

    02 September 2015

    Trillium Asset Management has launched a second mutual fund, this time to invest in small and mid-cap companies with strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials.

  • Large investors accused of weak sustainable investment policies on forestry

    11 February 2015

    Most institutional investors have "poorly developed sustainable investment policies" regarding forest commodities, according to Forest 500, an initiative of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), a UK-based think tank.

  • Governments and companies in joint pledge to halt forest loss

    24 September 2014

    More than 30 national governments, 40 companies and numerous NGOs and regional governments have pledged to work to halt deforestation globally by 2030.